Stand-Up-Comedy mit Sofia Gottardi
Waag event in collaboration with Schersito
Open air concert with Alice Ravagnani and band
Waag event / Piazza del Grano
Weigh Station/ Waag -1
Weigh Station / Waag +3
Weigh Station + Centaurus BZ / Waag -1
A multilingual poetry slam night
Waag event in collaboration with SAAV / Waag -1
Live music
Guest event by Scuola di musica „Vivaldi“
Weigh Station / Waag+3
Weigh Station/ Waag -1
Open-Mic-Abend organisiert von Sidewalk Bozen
Waag event in collaboration with Sidewalk / Waag -1
Weigh Station / Waag +2
Offenes Straßenkonzert der Percussionsgruppe Sissamba
Waag event in collaboration with Bolzano Film Festival Bozen / Filmclub + Piazza del Grano
Weigh Station / Waag – 1 (Keller)
Stand-Up-Comedy in italienischer Sprache
Waag event in collaboration with Schersito / Waag Café
Phill Reynolds Live-Konzert
Waag event / Waag -1
Weigh Station / Waag +3
Buch- und Filmpräsentation
Waag event / Waag -1
Ein mehrsprachiger Poetry Slam – Abend
Waag event in collaboration with SAAV – Südtiroler Autorinnen- und Autorenvereinigung /Waag -1
Resident Event by Euregio/Waag -1
Eintritt frei
Stand-Up-Comedy in italienischer Sprache
Waag event in collaboration with Schersito / Waag Café
Talk, Stand-up und Live-Set zum Thema der neuen Oper „Dorian Gray“
Guest event by Fondazione Haydn
Weigh Station / Waag -1 (Keller)
Lesungen, Gespräche und DJ-Sets zum Thema der neuen Oper „Dorian Gray“
Guest event by Fondazione Haydn
Ein Theaterstück von Flora Sarrubbo
Waag event / Waag -1
Stand-Up-Comedy in italienischer Sprache
Waag event in collaboration with Schersito / Waag Café
Weigh Station / Waag +3
Stand-Up-Comedy in italienischer Sprache
Waag event in collaboration with Schersito / Waag Café
Präsentation und Lesung des Buches von Matteo Jamunno (alias Yomer)
Waag event / Waag -1
Weigh Station / Waag-1
Stand-Up-Comedy in italienischer Sprache
Waag event in collaboration with Schersito / Waag -1
Weigh Station / Waag +3
Weigh Station / Waaghause Keller -1
Vortrag von Dr. Fabio Maistrelli
Guest event by FAI-Delegazione di Bolzano
Resident Event by Euregio/Waag -1
Poetry slam night – Christmas edition
Waag event in collaboration with SAAV / Waag -1
Christmas concert with the American choir AMICOH
Waag event / Piazza del Grano
Resident Event by Euregio/Waag -1
Die Veranstaltung ist deutsch- und italienischsprachig.
Sie ist frei zugänglich, bis die zulässige Besucherzahl erreicht ist.
A play by Diletta La Rosa
Waag event in collaboration with Ella Women On Stage/ Waag -1
Screening of the documentary about the life and work of Adolf Vallazza
Guest event by Museum Eccel Kreuzer/Waag -1
18:30 h, Waag Café – Talk with the artists
20:00 h Waag -1 – Live concert
Waag open house. Guided tour and performances
Waag event / All house
Weigh Station / Waag +3
Book presentation
Guest event by Associazione Scrittori Bolzano / Waag -1
Weigh Station / Waag +2
Weigh Station / Waag +3
Storytelling workshop with Orla Mc Govern
Guest event by Sagapò / Waag +3
Weigh Station / Waag+3
Storytelling night
Guest event by Sagapò / Waag Cafè & Waag -1
Open mic night
Waag event in collaboration with Sidewalk / Waag -1
Book presentation
Guest event by Associazione Scrittori Bolzano/Waag -1
Bilingual theatre performance
Waag event in collaboration with Theakos/Waag -1
Storytelling night
Guest event by Sagapò / Waag Cafè & Waag -1
Weigh Station / Waag Haus Keller -1
A movie by Clara Delva
Waag event in collaboration with Zelig / Waag -1
Halloween concert with Medea Hinteregger, The Matt Project and Dj Pyson
Waag event / Waag Cafè
Storytelling night
Guest event by Sagapò / Waag Cafè, Waag-1
Weigh Station / Waag +3
Presentation of art prints by Benno Simma, Christian Cassar, Luis Seiwald
Guest event/Waag Café
Weigh Station / Waag Keller -1
Dance site-specific project with Santija Bieza, Stefania Bertola & Vanessa Morandell
Guest event by Tanzkollektiv Südtirol / All house
Storytelling night
Guest Event by Sagapò/Waag -1
Poetry slam night with Francesca Pase, Nathan Laimer, Lorenz Masé
Waag event in collaboration with SAAV / Waag -1
Saverio Verini in conversation with Denis Isaia, Stefano Riba & Elisa Del Prete
Guest event by BAW / Waag +3
Weigh Station / Waag +3
Live concert with Hubert Dorigatti and Discodex
Waag Event / Waag Café
Lectio magistralis with Max Siller
Resident Event by Euregio // Waag-1
Weigh Station / Waag -1
Resident Event by Euregio / Waag-1
Truffaldino hat großen Kummer. Am Molveno-See in den Brenta-Dolomiten ist etwas Schlimmes passiert. Er ruft deshalb seinen Freund Kasperl zu Hilfe. Für Truffaldino, Kasperl und die Kinder beginnt ein großes Abenteuer.
Komm auch du zum Euregio-Kulturdonnerstag mit einem Puppentheater für Groß und Klein, geeignet ab 3 Jahren!
Freier Eintritt!
Weigh Station/Waag +3
Resident Event by Euregio / Kornplatz Bozen
Weigh Station/ Waag-1
Piazza del Grano/Kornplatz
Weigh Station / Waag +3
Weigh Station / Waag +3
Weigh Station / Waag +3
Informationsabend zur psychischen Gesundheit
Guest event by Verband Ariadne / Waag+3
Resident Event by Euregio // WAAG-1
Poetry Slam Landesmeister*innenschaft 2023
Waag event in collaboration with SAAV / Waag -1
Weigh Station / Waag -1
Ausstellung der Meisterwerke des Karikaturisten Bonvi
Guest event by Cooltour, La Strada-Der Weg
Comic- und Musikfestival
Guest event by Cooltour, La Strada-Der Weg
Weigh Station / Waag +2
Resident Event by Euregio / WAAG -1
Der Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine und seine Auswirkungen stehen im Mittelpunkt des nächsten Euregio-Kulturdonnerstags am 18. Mai im Waaghaus in Bozen.
Weigh Station / Waag -1
Geführte Besichtigungen des Waaghauses
Guest event by FAI
Runder Tisch in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gemeinde Bozen
Guest event/Waag -1
Joe’s Street Duo Live-Konzert
Waag Event/Waag Café