Discovering, training, supporting and promoting young talents are the main pillars of the Ferruccio Busoni–Gustav Mahler Foundation’s artistic commitment. The piano competition brings together generations, teachers, young talents and key personalities of the international music scene. The Academy enables young talents to acquire solid skills in chamber music and supports them as they develop into first-class orchestral musicians. The festival provides a unique platform addressing the key aspects related to music promotion and offers an innovative, fresh, immediate and enriching experience of the classical world to a broad audience.

The European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino wants to make the Euregio tangible for the citizens of the three countries with concrete projects in the most diverse areas of life: from the Brenner Base Tunnel to the EuregioFamilyPass, towards the joint avalanche report and to a uniform weather report. With cross-border cooperation, we want to create added value and to point out opportunities. The Euregio is characterised by a variety of languages, nature and landscape, but above all culture – with a common history in the background, but mainly with a development potential directed towards the future.

Each spring, the Bolzano Film Festival Bozen brings the latest German and Italian-language author cinema from South Tyrol, Italy, Austria, Germany and Switzerland to Bolzano. Launched as the „Bozner Film Tage/Giornate del Cinema di Bolzano” in 1987, the festival has grown into an international and high-quality event that provides insights into the rich, contemporary European filmmaking – far away from the conventional and mainstream. On this occasion both young and already established filmmakers are welcome to share ideas, experiences and visions.
As a vibrant platform and creative hub, the festival annually expands its activities for the local film industry and works together with institutions such as the Zelig Film School, FAS (Film Association of South Tyrol) and IDM Südtirol/Alto Adige.

„New sounds, fresh perspectives“. At the Südtirol Jazzfestival Alto Adige, sound and space merge. Contemporary jazz and related music styles in combination with unusual places form new, however temporary landscapes. During the festival, jazz contaminates mountains, lakes and rivers, squares and streets, parks and castles, hotels and factory buildings throughout South Tyrol and beyond. Something new is being created. Sounds, music, projects, networks, and some bands were also born here. Urban spaces, rock walls and alpine pastures, culinary events and haunting music become a single element, offering the audience an extraordinary experience.

Weigh Station attracts, promotes and forms a community of young culture and creativity professionals working in South Tyrol: the wallers. WS is an ongoing laboratory based at the Waaghaus which creates opportunities for knowledge transfer on the needs of cultural and creative operators in the region. It also encourages public reflection on the meaning and value of creative work. Weigh Station is a meeting point for training, workshops, support, expert advice, production and design calls, as well as for the promotion of networking, entertainment and collaboration within and beyond the cultural and creative scene.