24/11/2023 - h. 08:00 - h. 09:00 -

Weigh Station / Waag+3

Friday, November 24 is the tenth Bolzano meeting with the international “CreativeMornings” network: once a month at Weigh Station for breakfast, connecting with more than 200 cities in 68 countries around the world.
Take one hour for you before starting your work, we put coffee and content on it, don’t forget the cup! In November, the proposed theme is “RHYTHM”, and we will discuss it over breakfast with Erika Salamone, theatrical.

If we look around us, we realise that we are surrounded by billions of sounds, noises, rhythms. Objects, the body, nature, the reality around us is immersed in a sound universe. But we do not only find rhythm in the reality that surrounds us; we also find it within ourselves, just think of the breath, the heart, the bowels. An inner rhythm.

But when the body encounters rhythm? What does it generate? How does it react?
Specifically, we will talk about the body in motion. A body that can generate movement, dance, music and theatre.

Erika Salamone was born in 1989 in Augusta, Sicily. Her childhood passion for artistic gymnastics led her to experiment with various languages, from physical theatre, to street art, contemporary circus, puppetry and performing art. She trained as a physical theatre actress and from 2007 to 2010 she worked as a clown with Clown One Italia, doing various clown-therapy missions between Italy and abroad. At the same time, she became passionate about figure theatre with Il Teatro del Corvo in Milan and Bread and Puppets (USA), where she learned the art of manipulating inanimate objects. In 2015 she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania in Scenography for theatre.
She is currently working as a performer in the field of contemporary art, collaborating with various institutions and companies on a national and international level (she worked on the retrospective “A Certain Number of Things” winning the 4th edition of the Italian Council call for proposals, she took part in Documenta 14 in Kassel, the performance Antropometry for MAMBO in Bologna for Arte Fiera). She is the co-founder of the KOMOREBI collective, with which she created the contemporary theatre and circus performance Happy b! finalist of the SCENARIO INFANZIA 2022 award and winner of the Teca theatre’s call for exhibitions. she lives in Bologna where she works in the pedagogical, educational and artistic fields.