WS CALL 2023 | Can (We) Be Naked in the Metaverse? | Project presentation by Weigh Station

06/12/2023 - h. 18:00 - h. 20:00 -

Weigh Station / Waag +3

Space for the winning projects of WS Call 2023.
The project “Can (We) Be Naked in the Metaverse?” is part of an ongoing exploration born out of the convergence of a common interest in the invisible cargo embedded in technological space.
In this context, Corinna Canali and Giulia Faccin designed and conducted a series of workshops with different groups from different generations to discuss not only the technology itself, but to go deeper into understanding the systems that regulate access and the content we consume online. Topics such as content moderation, algorithms, policies, but also sexism, gender violence, exclusion and racism were addressed.
On 6 December at 6 p.m. at Weigh Station, the entire process and the elaborations resulting from workshops and the long research behind it will be presented through a participatory process of restitution.