31/03/2023 - h. 08:00 - h. 09:00 -

Weight Station/Waag +2

Friday 31 March is time for the third appointment in Bolzano with the international network “CreativeMornings”: a breakfast at Weigh Station once a month, parallel to over 200 other cities in 67 countries around the world. Take an hour for yourself before starting work, coffee and contents are on us, don’t forget to bring a cup! In March, the proposed theme is “CORRUPTION”.

And the groundhog says hello every day. Almost like an endless cycle: in the hands of multinational corporations, corruption-related scandals follow one another, as if this way of operating is part of the normal course of corporate management. And it is often so in the case of the fossil fuel industry, whose corruption cases are fueling one of the greatest emerging tragedies, that of climate. From corruption of politicians to fraud in capital investment, it all applies when it comes to extracting more fossil energy from the ground. How to break out of this vicious cycle? Are laws enough or do we need to take a more radical approach? We will see you at breakfast to discuss this with David Hofmann, a climate activist from South Tyrol.

David Hofmann is a neuroresearcher and climate activist. He co-founded Climate Action South Tyrol and is active in Scientists for Future and Extinction Rebellion.

To get started in the right spirit, we recommend that you also register on the CreativeMornings platform and become part of the Bolzano community already.